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You have to let go in order to have peace!

So I'm sure all of us know the famous "Let It Go" song from the Disney movie Frozen. I not only love that movie (the 2nd was WAY better by the way!) but I love the song as well. Because honestly, there are a few times where I myself need to let things go. I think we all can agree that letting go is easier said than done.

I have been in a crazy season of my life. It has been a season full of tests, questions, and losses. At one point, I was so overwhelmed with everything in my life; from my job, to my school work, to my personal relationships, and many more. At one point I felt like I was going to explode from letting everything pile up on me. I kept asking God "why do I still feel so heavy?". Even though I had been praying and reading devotions, I still felt the weight on me. That's when it was revealed to me that I had never let go of any of it.

You see, when we don't let go of things, it causes us to stress. That means that we can be praying and living through everyday life and yet still carrying a heavy load of worry. Like I said in a previous blog post, we are not meant to carry any weight alone; God is here to take on the heavy loads. One thing that we have to start doing is letting go of our worries. Why?Because once we let go, we can finally experience PEACE.

Peace is a wonderful thing! The definition of peace is "freedom from disturbance". How powerful is that? Because when life throws us constant curve balls, those things come as a disturbance. When we have peace, we are freeing ourselves from those disturbances. We're actually letting go, and letting God handle it all.

John 14:27 states "I am leaving you with a gift- peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid." [NLT] You see it's one thing to have peace, but accepting the peace that God has for us is one of the best things we can do.

Having peace is so important not only to our spiritual health, but our mental and physical health as well! Because without peace, you will worry yourself to death...literally. So here are some ways you can begin to experience true peace from God:

  1. LET IT GO! You have to stop worrying about whatever is bothering you or troubling your heart. When I prayed about my situation, I literally said "God I give it to you! There's nothing I can do now". I let the whole thing go and felt God's peace come over me. As a result, that situation was turned around for my good. So you see there is power in letting things go.

  2. Remind yourself of who God is! Remember that God is BIGGER than any problem, circumstance, or issue that you may be facing. Get in his word and remind yourself of the promises that he given to use and before you know it, it'll be so easy for you to let go of your worries.

  3. Focus on the good not the bad! Another great way to experience peace is to shift your mind from the negative to the positive. Instead of worrying about that amount of money you need before a certain deadline, how about you focus on good score you made on that test a week ago. If we really sit down and think, we always have way more to smile about than cry about.

Take these steps, and let go of whatever is stressing you today. God's peace is a gift to us, so do yourself a favor and accept it!

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