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Humble Beginnings

Hey everyone!

If you are reading this, first let me say THANK YOU so much for checking out my website. I appreciate you for taking the time to read and hear what I have to say. I've always loved writing during my free time, and now is the time for me to share all the wonderful things that God places on my heart with the world. 


  • What is the purpose of this website?   Wise Words was created to provide my loyal readers and subscribers with the wisdom and insight that I have gained over the years from prayer and experience. My hope is that through my blog posts, you will find peace and understanding about certain issues you may be facing.

  • Can I subscribe to your blog?  Absolutely! There is a subscribe box at the bottom of the page where you can enter your email so that you are notified whenever I post a new blog.

  • What is the "Donate" tab?  So listen, I do not charge for subscriptions on this site. If you would like to subscribe, it's free. I am a believer in sowing into the lives of others, especially those who bless you in some way. That is why the "Donate" tab is there. It's for anyone who wants to give. No one is obligated to! Whether you donate or not, I'm grateful for your visit to this site. :)

I ask for your patience as this is my very first website/blog and I am always working to improve the site, aside from my jobs and school work. I look forward to all the great things to come for both you and me. Enjoy!

With love, Dominique Walker

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