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It's time to stop being afraid and LIVE!

Fear; it is something that we all have dealt with once or twice in our lives. It's a natural response! If someone comes up to you with a weapon, it is a perfectly normal response to feel afraid. However, there is something about fear that is not okay...and that's LIVING a life of fear!

What is living in fear, you ask? Living in fear is when you are constantly thinking about the WORST possible outcome instead of the good. And because you always fear the worst thing happening, you live your life around this very thought. You stop yourself from going to the park to get some fresh air because you are too afraid of getting COVID. You turn down the job opportunity that your supervisor suggested you would be a great fit for, because you fear that you'll be rejected or do a horrible job. Don't you see that when you live in fear, you automatically defeat yourself and give the enemy what he wants? Of course the devil doesn't want to see you succeed in that new job role. He wants to keep you down and stagnant, and what better way to do that then by fear? This is NOT what God wants for us!

John 10:10 says that "The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life." [NLT] Read that last part of that verse again: he wants to give us a rich and SATISFYING life! Can we live a satisfied life if we are always worried and afraid that things will go wrong? Nope! God put us on this earth not only to serve him and live out our purpose, but also to enjoy life! Realize this people: you are probably missing out on some great moments and opportunities in your life all because you are scared! Take a moment to ask yourself "What am I missing out on because of my fear?" Is it a job opportunity? Is it a healthy relationship? Is it an amazing business venture? The last thing that God wants is for us to miss out on the wonderful blessings he has for us all because we are afraid of the outcome. So guess what? It's time for you to STOP being afraid!

One of my all time favorite verses is 2 Timothy 1:7 which says "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." [NLT] God himself has given us these things, so that means that it is up to US to use them. I know that the world is a scary place. I know we all fear things like death, failure, judgement from other people, commitment, success, and the list goes on. But you must remember these things, in order to not live a life of fear:

  1. God's got you! His word says that he will never leave you nor forsake you. He loves his people so much, that while he knows this world will bring us pain and grief, he'll always provide us a way out. Lamentations 3:33 clearly states "for he does NOT enjoy hurting people or causing them sorrow". [NLT]

  2. We have to trust him! Listen, for my people like me who love traveling, when you get on the plane you may not know the pilot or what route he is going, but yet you trust him enough to put on your seatbelt and sit back for the ride. We have to give God that same trust! His word says that if we put our trust in him, he'll show us which path to take and he will guide us along the way. (see Proverbs 3:5)

  3. Living in fear is NOT healthy! Just a mental health note for you lovely readers out there. If you always fear the worse happening, you are conditioning your mind to think negatively about everything. This is not good for your mental health! You're putting yourself at risk for mental disorders such as General Anxiety Disorder. God never said that we wouldn't face troubles in the world, even as Christians. Take a breath, process your fears, and then find a way to face them head on.

I know that living is scarier now more than it probably ever has been. I still urge you to take necessary precautions during this pandemic (cause COVID is serious) and even guard your heart, use wisdom when making risky decisions, etc. But don't live in fear. God put us on this earth to thrive, not just to survive. So yes, tell God or someone you trust that you're scared. Be honest and transparent. But also, let that fear go! God did not give you a spirit of fear. Make the decision today to trust God with everything that you have, and live your life bold and free!

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