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You have to change in 2021!

Happy New Year everyone!!! How exciting is it to be in 2021 and out of 2020 right? I must say that 2020 was definitely a ground-breaking year. So many things occurred that I'm sure changed all of our minds and perspectives. However, it's a brand new year and clean slate for some of us. I know that most of us are sick and tired of hearing the phrase "New Year, new me" right? Especially when it comes from people who typically do not change. But I am here to tell you that if you do in fact want to see things happen differently for you in 2021, then you do have to CHANGE!

Why should you change? Because it's simple; it is insanity when you do the same thing and expect a different result. If you want to see different results, you have to change first! You will not elevate until you decide to get out of your comfort zone and change. And what I have realized is that sometimes it isn't the fact that people don't want to change (because they do) but rather the fact that they don't know HOW to change or that they are AFRAID to change!

Let me say this for those of you that are afraid to change; fear of change is common. I know that change can be scary, but you have to remember that God is in control, not us. If God is prompting you to make a decision that encourages change in your life, don't fight him on it! If you allow fear to control you instead of God, you could be missing out on a great blessing. Plus, God will always protect and guide his loved ones. His word says in Deuteronomy 31:6 "So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you." [NLT]

Now for those who don't know how to change, just know that it all starts with your heart and your mind. Psalms 51:10 says "Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me." Please know that if you have the same selfish or deceitful heart/mindset that you had in 2020, then 2021 will not be different! You need to sit down and ask yourself how or what about you do you need to change so that you can have different experiences this year.

As soon as New Year's Day came, guess what? Our surroundings were still the same. We are still in a pandemic, and still in unsure economic crisis. Nothing has changed so far but the date on the calendar. If you want to see a real difference this year, it is YOU that will need to change.

Here's some helpful ways to start changing yourself for the better:

  1. Start a fast! Fasting is a great way to reconnect with God and change your life positively. I am currently doing a fast myself with a friend, and I am confident that God will bring a great change in our lives. You can research the different types of spiritual fasts and find one that works best for you.

  2. Face you fears! If you find yourself constantly afraid of change, it may be time to face it so that you can move on from it. One day to do this is by finding out what scares you so much about change. Confront yourself about this. You may need to seek help from a therapist or spiritual mentor, but it necessary to find out why you fear change.

  3. Make a list about yourself! Are you having trouble identifying what you need to change? Then make a list! Take a sheet of paper, and on one side write down the things that you think helped you change positively in 2020. On the other side, write down things that you think caused you to change negatively in 2020. Sometimes writing things down helps us to process it better and move forward.

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