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You have to embrace love; even when it seems hard!

Love. It's something that every person needs to survive! Not only do we want to be loved, but we need to be loved in order for us to prosper in life. Why? Because God is LOVE! Literally everything that God does is done in love. Therefore, we should not only do well in giving love, but receiving love.

. I had a conversation with one of my clients the other day that brought so much revelation. You see, this child was talking to me about how she felt unwanted because she has been waiting months for a foster home. I told her that maybe she should shift her perspective. I looked at her and said "Let's say they did find a family that wants you, but the family is not good for you. Then you get exposed to trauma from the family and end up right back here. Would it be worth it that you got placed in a family quickly? Or would you rather them wait and find the perfect, safe family that you deserve?" After saying that, she realized that maybe waiting wouldn't be so bad if that meant she could be placed with the right family at the right time.

And that's when the Holy Spirit opened my eyes: I have been feeling just like my client when it comes to my relationships!

You see, I too have felt unwanted. Why? Because no matter how much love I give, my relationships tend to fail. As a successful woman, I can't seem to understand why I can succeed in every other area of my life except dating and relationships. Then the same way I told the client to shift her perspective, the Holy Spirit told me to shift mine. What if it isn't that no one wants me, but rather that the man God has designed just for me is still being prepared for me? And that we will come together and date at the right time. Until, I have the unfailing love that God gives me everyday. Once I thought of it like that, I immediately stopped beating myself up and realized that I don't have to fear love. Rather I can embrace it!

I know that some of you reading this are like me. Man or woman? Maybe you have experienced bad relationships in the past and your trust is not as strong as it use to be. You are not embracing someone you love (or want to love that God has probably sent to you) because of your own fear and insecurities. Can I tell you that God has called us to love. I love the verse 1 John 4:19 MSG where it says "We, though, are going to love- love and be loved. First we were loved, now we love. He loved us first." Because we are loved by him, it is our job to give love back! Believe it or not, someone in this world needs your love. So while I don't think it's wise to just give it away to the wrong people, I do think that we should shift our perspectives and remember that because we are loved, it's okay for us to embrace love.

Here are some tips to help you start embracing the love that God has blessed you with:

  1. FORGIVE! Listen if there is anything in your past that you are holding to, it's time to let it go. There are some messed up people in this world, true enough. However, everyone is not out to hurt you. 1st Corinthians 13:5 states that love keeps no record of being wronged. So set the record straight, and start fresh today so that you can start embracing love from others.

  2. Accept God's love! God's love is so pure and unlimited! I find peace in knowing that if love fails me anywhere, that God will never fail me in this area. Think about it! He loves us even at our worse. Don't take a love like that for granted. Accept his love and allow him to heal your heart.

  3. Be transparent! It's time to start being raw and honest not only with yourself but others as well. You may need to see a therapist about your trust issues. You may need to take a break from relationships until your heart heals. Be transparent with the people in your life and yourself. Love is prevails in truth, so if you are truthful with God, yourself and those who want to love you, it will become so much easier to embrace love in your life.

  4. Use discernment! This is an important step! There are some people who will show "fake love" like Drake said. But most of the time, that small voice in our head will tell us when we shouldn't let someone in. Listen to that voice. It is the Holy Spirit guiding and warning you. So yes, I want you to love and be loved, but use wisdom in who you choose to do this with.

I don't know who needs to hear this like I needed to hear it from God, but you are LOVED and it is okay to allow the right people to love you! Let God love you first, then began to accept it from those in your life; you deserve it!

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Feb 21, 2023

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