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You can't have the label without the lifestyle!

Being a Christian takes a lot of work. Let's be honest; while you are subject to enjoy divine protection and blessings from God, you also have to undergo discipline and in basic terms practice what you preach. What I've come to find out is when it comes to being a Christian, there is a gap between being called a Christian and then actually living the lifestyle. There are so many of us that talk the talk, but don't walk the walk!

And why is that? Well, I think it goes back to how our flesh works. We are human and will never be perfect. There will always be times where we make mistakes. However, it is natural for us to do what is comfortable. We want to feel good right? And the truth is, when you're living for Christ, it isn't always COMFORTABLE. Because of this, a lot of people settle for doing the bare minimum to "please" God and go on with their regular lifestyle.

A scripture that comes to mind when thinking about this is Hebrews 12:11 where it says "No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening - it's painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way" [NLT] Being a Christian means that you are practicing discipline. You are taking time to read God's word AND apply his word to your life. The word is living so you should be living the word (see what I did there?) You are taking time to worship him and cultivate a relationship with him. The same way you need discipline to diet and exercise when you want to reach a certain weight goal is the same type of discipline you need when living for God. Being a Christian is more than just reading and posting scriptures, and going to church habitually. It is literally making a decision everyday to kill your flesh by building your discipline in Christ. After all, the scripture did say that afterwards you would reap a peaceful all the hard work and discomfort is not in vain at all!

Another barrier could be God's grace being taken for granted. Have you ever gotten so comfortable with doing the wrong thing (having sex outside of marriage, gossiping, etc.) to the point that you just do it and think to yourself "well God will forgive me anyways"? That is a dangerous mindset to have! And I can't judge, because at a point in my life, I reasoned like that to justify my sins. However, Ephesians 2:8 says "God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God." [NLT] This means that grace is given to us as a gift. It's something we shouldn't take lightly! The whole reason Jesus died for our sins was so that we wouldn't have to. And because we are still humans who makes mistakes, that's why God gives us grace to cover us even though we mess up. Some people get comfortable with knowing that God forgives, and continue sinning. Please don't do this. That's like a slap to God's face in my opinion.

Being a Christian is something to be proud of! But it's more than just a title. It really is a lifestyle. There comes a responsibility with being a Christian, and one of the main responsibilities is living a life that brings God glory. Look at your actions; the things you say, the things you post, the things you do with others. Take a moment and decide if you are living the lifestyle or just carrying the label. Remember that the goal of being a Christian and maintaining the lifestyle isn't to make you perfect but rather to make you progressive. Comfort and growth do NOT go together. If you want to continue to grow and mature as a person in Christ, take that chance today! Change something in your lifestyle that can bring you closer to God and higher in faith. Live the lifestyle while having the label too! :)

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