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Know who you are and WHOSE you are!

Identity. It is something that we all have. That's why we have driver's licenses and social security numbers. It's a way to separate ourselves from others. However, we also have internal identity; this is who we think we are. Often times, identity crisis is a big problem in people today. People are trying to find identity and validation in everything. It's almost makes you want to ask yourself the simple question: who am I?

I think we've all been at a place before where we were looking to find ourselves. Self-discovery can be a beautiful thing! The process of learning yourself takes time, but it helps you to better understand who you truly are. The problem is that sometimes we tend to try to find ourselves in the wrong places. We not only don't know who we are...we don't know WHOSE we are.

God formed every single last one of us in our mother's womb. And guess what? He KNEW us. That's why Jeremiah 1:5 says "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations." [NLT] This means that we already had an identity before we came into the world. God knows who we are and how we are. And as we grown and mature, we start to know ourselves and God. We start to learn that he created us for a purpose. Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." [NLT] God shows us in the book of Jeremiah that we have identities. So why do we go through identity crises? Well, it can be for a few reasons such as:

  1. We go through experiences that make us question who we are. Experiences like rejection, failure, and loss.

  2. We are never taught who we are and that we belong to God. Parents or caregivers drop the ball and forget to teach us that our identity comes from Christ.

  3. Society pressures us to change. We see what is "trendy" and popular, and if we don't emulate it, we questions if we are who we should be.

While all of these reasons are valid...they should not make us question ourselves!

One thing that drives identity crisis is insecurity. Insecurity is common but it can be beat. One way is to know that we belong to God! One thing I love so much about God is that he is the definition of SECURE. Think about it: people, culture, and things change everyday. God NEVER changes. The Bible never changes! And with that, we should feel confident in knowing that when our identity is in him, insecurities cannot exist! His word says good things about us. Meaning that our identity and view of ourselves should be good as well. So forget those past experiences that you have had! You are God's! Fearfully and wonderfully made. Knowing who you are and walking in your identity is a great level of freedom and confidence. And that's what God wants us to experience.

Always remember who you are. You are GOOD just like God is good. You are made in his image. So now you not only know who you are but now you know WHOSE you are as well!

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1 comentário

21 de fev. de 2023

The most relevant point is knowing your worth, being yourself, boosting your confidence, never believing in doing anything it takes to keep someone in your life. My ex crushed my self esteem, I had always believed that things would get better, he cheated and lied at the same time, I became a complete shadow of myself when I found out about his affairs, thanks to this cyber genius ' hackingloop6@ gmail . com, who recently hacked his phone and gained me remote access to his phone activities. I initially thought it was the end of the road for me, but it feels great to bounce back. Always be your dynamic self, love will always find you.

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