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While you live, live with purpose!

This morning is a heavy morning. Last night, I learned that we lost another great icon in black culture; Chadwick Boseman.

When I first saw the post on Facebook, I was completely still. I really didn't know how to feel. It's crazy how death can cause the world to pause for a minute. At that moment, I just paused and started to process what I was feeling. Shock. Disbelief. Most of all, sadness.

I began to talk to God on my drive home. I understand that religion teaches us not to question God, but there are some moments where things happen and you just wonder why. We almost can't help it! I know God is good, but I couldn't seem to understand why this young man, this incredible actor lost his battle to cancer. Especially when there are so many other people that have survived cancer. That's when I heard one word: purpose.

Listen, everyone - even that person that you don't like, or that person who you're still holding a grudge against - HAS A PURPOSE. It says it clearly in Jeremiah 1:5.

" I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations." [NLT]

And that's when it dawned on me that even though Chadwick Boseman passing away is sad because none of us knew what he was battling nor expected him to leave so soon, he still served his purpose on his earth. This man, who had colon cancer for four years, still worked and gave us phenomenal performances in many films! That is so incredible!

Maybe he knew that his life was soon coming to an end. Maybe he didn't, and he had hope that he would beat his illness. Nevertheless, he continued to work in his craft. He continued to work, give back to others and love his family. I will always admire him for that. Because if there is one thing I'm sure he knew for a fact, is that he had a PURPOSE, and was determined to fulfill it before time was up.

Chadwick Boseman has taught us all a very important lesson; while we are living, we need to live with purpose!

It reminds me of Jesus before his crucifixion. Jesus knew that the end was near, and I'm sure that it weighed heavy on his heart (read Luke 22:39-46). But no matter how he felt, or what he was enduring, he still was devoted to living and fulfilling the purpose that God had for him.

Our days are numbered. I know we don't want to hear that, but we all will die one day. So it is so important that we choose to live in our purpose! God has called you to do something while you are on this earth. You may be fighting a silent battle like Chadwick Boseman was. However, that doesn't exempt you from fulfilling your purpose in life. It didn't stop him from bringing a remarkable performance in Black Panther, so your obstacles should not stop you as well!

I encourage you to do these things from here on out:

  1. Find your purpose. Figure out just what it is that you are destined to bring to others while on this earth. God reveals his purpose for our lives in different ways.

  2. Be encouraged! You are here today, and that means you have time to find your purpose and overcome any issues you have.

  3. LIVE! Don't waste this time that you have by just existing on this earth. Make an impact. Perfect whatever your craft or gift is. Leave your mark!

Rest in peace Chadwick Boseman. Thank you for living in your purpose! Please continue to keep his family lifted in prayer.

(*I do not own rights to the images used in this post)

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