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Trust the process; even when it doesn't make sense!

Updated: Mar 12, 2022

Let me tell you guys something; trusting God sometimes is not easy! I mean, sure as Christians we preach up and down to each other that we should "have faith" and "trust in the Lord"...but what about when WE are the ones who need that same word of advice? Oh it's much easier said than done, in that case.

And why is that? Well, for most of us it's because the times that we have to trust God the most end up being the times that seem so BAD and unpredictable. It's like one time when a woman of God was giving her testimony about having to quit her job and trust in the Lord. It's like God, how can I trust in you when I have literally quit my job, can't get unemployment, and my bills are piling up?! She shared how her faith had to kick in, and she had to remember that God is not a promise breaker. Long story short, the woman receive a better job that paid three times more than what she was making. While the process wasn't pleasant, or didn't even make sense, she still trusted God. And that's what I want you to realize today: although your journey is probably very confusing, remember that God is in control!

Of course, you guys know I love throwing some Bible in my posts for further insight. Have you heard of the story of Joseph? Man, if there is ANY character in the Bible that I relate to the most, it's Joseph! Joseph has a LONG story full of so much drama! It starts in Genesis 37 when he has a dream revealing that he would be a king one day. Now Joseph does one thing that I wouldn't have recommended, and tells his brothers who become very jealous. So while his brothers didn't kill him, they sold him into slavery and lied to their father saying that he was killed. That's messed up right? Fast forward to Genesis 39 and now Joseph is a servant for the King of Egypt. Everything was cool...but then the King's wife LIES on Joseph because he didn't want to have sex with her, and he goes to jail. Listen, Joseph was going through some things! He was done wrong left and right. But no matter what, I love how the Bible says in Genesis 39:2 "The Lord was with Joseph, so he succeeded in EVERYTHING he did..." and it says that over and over in numerous chapters. Cause guess what? Joseph's journey didn't make any sense at all. But at the end of the day (in Genesis 41) he STILL became a ruler of Egypt. The Lord was with him everywhere he went. And more importantly, Joseph trusted God and continued to do the right thing no matter what happened!

When we're going on a journey according to God's will, it won't be always be a straight and easy road ahead. Psalms 1:6 says "For the Lord watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction." God watches over our paths, so we should not worry about the obstacles that come along with it. If you noticed, the Bible never says that we won't come across trials and tribulations while walking the right path. But it does emphasize many times that God is in control, and as long as we trust in him, everything will be okay!

Here's what you need to remember:

  1. Going through tough times along your journey does not mean that you won't reach the end result. If God promised you something, then you stand on His Word and have FAITH!

  2. Delay does NOT mean denial. It was two years before Joseph was able to get out jail and later become King. Just cause it seems like it's taking a while doesn't mean God's forgotten about you. He hears your prayers! Trust him!

Be encouraged today. Embrace your journey, and know that God is with you no matter what comes along the way! He's got you!

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