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There is always a reason to be thankful!

Thanksgiving is tomorrow! I still cannot believe that this month has gone by so quickly. I know that if you're like me, you're probably thinking about how the holidays will be so different this year; since COVID-19 is still around, Thanksgiving may look different for some of us. And let's be honest...that can make some of us sad.

Earlier today, my mother talked to one of my siblings and he told her how it didn't even feel like Thanksgiving this year because things are so different. But then my mom, being the wonderful wise woman she is, told him "I understand son, but we still need to be thankful regardless". While that was a simple statement, it slowly settled in my spirit the rest of the day. No matter what we go through in life, we ALWAYS have a reason to be thankful!

Anytime I think of thankfulness, I think of my family and everything that we have overcome. A few weeks ago, my mom had tested positive for COVID-19, and I was stressed out with school and an upcoming competition. I was upset about how things in my life were looking. It didn't feel fair! Kind of like how Job was in the Bible. Yet, everyday I thanked God for something. It could have been me thanking him for keeping my mom alive and helping her survive COVID-19. Or thanking him that I lived to see another holiday, cause there are so many young people who did not live to see this holiday. While things in my life are not perfect, I am so thankful to God because 1.) His word says that we should always be thankful and 2.) even when I feel like things are not well, I am reminded that he is still working in my life. Sometimes we focus so much on the bad, that we forget to be grateful for the good things that are happening. 1st Thessalonians 5:18 says to "Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus". So that means we shouldn't only be thankful when circumstances are good, but even when circumstances aren't ideal. This is how God gets the glory.

I know that this holiday may seem odd. Your out of town relatives may not be coming to visit. You may be someone who has no option but to stay home because of work or health reasons. However, I encourage you to be thankful in all circumstances. Look at your life, and realize that you DO have something to be thankful for! Here are some tips to help you find thankfulness in your circumstances

  1. Remember that what you are experiencing is only for a season. Troubles don't last always!

  2. Use a "gratitude journal" where you can write down the things you are thankful for each day. You'll be amazed at how many reasons you have to be thankful!

  3. Cherish the moment! Time flies quickly, so don't waste it.

May everyone reading this be blessed and have a Happy and safe Thanksgiving!

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