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The healing process is ALWAYS worth it in the end!

Updated: Aug 22, 2021

The healing process; man, it is SUCH a vulnerable and sensitive season for us! This could be because we when are healing, not only are we dealing with the things that have left us with negative feelings, but we are also trying to figure out what's next. Overall, the process can be both scary and emotionally exhausting. It can put you down...if you let it!

You see, I often like to go for walks in the neighborhood, especially now that Spring is here. It just so happens that there is a lot of construction going on where I'm at so I find myself staring at the houses that are being built. At first, all you see is the foundation. As days and weeks go by, I start to see the finished products and the houses are BEAUTIFUL! You would have never thought that they would turn out so pretty by all the hard work and process that they go through being built. That's when I got the revelation that the healing process looks just like the house building process; although it takes time, it is worth all the hard work!

When the healing process first begins, it sucks. It's like the first phase of building a house; this is where a lot of the hard work is done. It's kind of a messy process. I often see a lot of screws and nails everywhere during this phase. You're not even sure how the house will turn out. You just have an idea! Same with healing. In the beginning, it's messy because you are just coming out of what hurt you. You really don't know what's next, but you do know that you have to move forward. As the process continues, you start to see things come together! This is why it is important to include God in our healing process. Listen to me: YOU CANNOT HEAL BY YOURSELF! It is impossible! You need help from God so that you are truly delivered from the pain, and not just repressing it.

Judges 18:6 says "Go in peace", the priest replied. "For the Lord is watching over your journey". [NLT] Healing is a journey. It can be great and helpful when God is in the midst! I have found that during the healing process, when God is included, I have more peace than if he wasn't included. The process also takes WORK. You just can't just expect things to magically be better. You have to be willing to dig deep and confront some things in your life too. After all, faith without works is dead as a roach in a clean kitchen.

The healing process is also on going. It never really stops! You know how once a house is finished, and people have moved in it, it still may need renovations or something months or years down the line? Same thing with healing guys! You can get over something, and then three months later, you find yourself hurting again. It's okay though! That is the beauty of healing; it never stops within us. It grows as we grow.

We are houses under construction, and God is the man building us. We have to trust him to guide us through our healing process the right way. "O' Lord, if you heal me, I will be TRULY healed;" Jeremiah 17:14 [NLT].

Are you going through a healing process? Are you struggling to stay positive as you try to bounce back from the loss of a loved one, an opportunity lost or a relationship ending? We've all been there, love! Know that God is with you while you heal. His Word says in Psalms 34:18 "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed". There have been many times where my spirit has definitely been crushed from disappointment! But as I heal, I remind myself that it is a journey that I have to give to God. Remember as you are healing:

  1. Don't do it alone! Allow God to step in! Also, have members of your church, or close friends and family that can pray with you help you through it. (*Be very wise in who you let near you during the healing process. It DOES matter!)

  2. Remember the bigger picture! Just like with the houses being built, you can't see the end results right off the back, but know that it is coming! You won't feel down forever.

  3. Enjoy the process! Healing is always going to happen within you. Let it happen! Don't beat yourself up, if you feel fine one day then sad again the next. You're not crazy or're HUMAN!

You're healing, so you're under construction at the moment. But don't worry! If you give it to God, and take the pressure off of yourself, you'll be a beautiful finished product in no time!

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