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Stop putting God in a box!

There is something that I think a lot of us do unconsciously...and that is put limits on God. Now before you defend yourself and say that you don't, I want you to think back to a time where you were wanting something and instead of having faith that it would happen or taking the risk, you decided to "play it safe" and went with another option? Or what about a time when you settled for less than you deserved?

I can go on and on all day about how sometimes when we settle it' because our faith is running dry or it's because we don't think we deserve better. But the truth is that there are time that we put God in a box. We only expect him to do certain things. And is that fair to God? Umm NO!

When I think about a box, I think about a package or something of that nature. Or like when you're packing to move; you can only fit SO MUCH STUFF into that box right? You already can expect what will fit and what won't. So how does this relate to us limiting God? Simple: If the box represents your life, and you put God into the box, you have already decided what all you are gonna be able to fit into this life or get out of life. God can't do exceedingly or abundantly above what you ask or think because you have placed limits on him. You think that God can only bless you with that good job and nice car, and really God's plan is to make you an entrepreneur or the founder of a major nonprofit organization. You can't even see that happening because there is no room in the box. But that's why we should be glad that God is a man who gives us things beyond a little box!

These are reasons why you probably put God in a box:

  1. You've been disappointed by God before and you do this as a defense mechanism. In order to keep from getting your feelings hurt or your faith crushed, you just play it safe and limit God.

  2. You just don't believe he can do the impossible! Even though Luke 18:27 says "What is impossible for people is possible with God" [NLT] you still can't believe it. You're probably one of those people who have to "see it to believe it".

Both of these reasons can be valid... however it is still important that you remove God from the box you're putting him in!

Listen, the more you put God in a box, the more you are setting yourself up for failure or a life that isn't fulfilling. And one thing that you should want is a fulfilled life. So many people are dying suddenly these days. The saddest part about dying is not ever getting the chance to experience a life that actually fulfilled you and made you happy. The only way you can live a fulfilled life is allowing God to do what he does best...which is EVERYTHING and ANYTHING! Psalms 37:5 says to "Commit everything you do the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you." Part of committing everything to the Lord is having faith in him. By having faith in him, that means not placing any limits on him. So let's stop limiting God and allow him to be limitless and fulfill our lives!

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