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Stop choosing your feelings over facts!

We all have feelings. And trust me, your feelings are valid! I would never want anyone to think that their feelings are not important. In fact, acknowledging and expressing (in a healthy way) your feelings is a vital part of good mental health. But you know what isn't good for your mental or spiritual health? Letting your feelings control you.

Often times, we allow our feelings to get the best of us. This means that the way we feel determines our decisions, perceptions and opinions. Do you see how bad that sounds? You are basing all your decisions and thoughts around your feelings? That is a recipe for disaster and here's why:

  1. Our feelings are TEMPORARY. Listen, usually when we feel one way about something, we do not feel the same way a few hours later. We may have gotten a phone all from our crush, or eaten a food that we like and our mood changes. Feelings, especially negative feelings, typically don't last long. They also shouldn't last long if you are using healthy coping skills. So why make decisions in the heat of the moment?

  2. Our feelings are UNSTABLE. Feelings change like the weather! That's why they're temporary. It makes no sense to base your decisions or opinions off of your feelings.

  3. Our feelings CAN'T BE TRUSTED. Let's look at the bible to back this up. Jeremiah 17:9 says that "The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?" [NLT] I know that verse is pretty harsh. But it's the truth! We often hear people say "think with your mind, not with your heart". I know that we've been taught to 'follow our hearts' but sometimes our heart is wrong. Think about what lives in your heart; lust, lies, emotions, pain, hurt, etc. It should not be leading you; you need to lead it. But this concept is not that easy to apply for some.

Think about some bad decisions that you've made in your life. Now ask yourself; when you made that decision, what was leading you? Was it your heart or your mind? I'll be transparent and say that EVERY SINGLE time I've ever made a bad decision, I was not thinking with my mind. I was letting my emotions lead the way. I was doing what "felt good". This has to stop if you want to have better outcomes in life.

So what do you do? You simply choose FACTS over feelings!

Facts are the things that we know are true because they have already been proven to be true. So for example, let's say you start to doubt that God is moving in your life. Your feelings will have you believe this lie because you feel disappointed or upset. But what are the facts? The Bible has all the facts you need about God, and his word says that he will never leave us nor forsake us. Psalms 121:4 says that he never sleeps nor slumbers. He is always working and moving for those who love him and if you look at all the ways that's he has blessed you, you'll have your proof.

Or let's say that you begin to feel that you aren't smart and can't pass an upcoming exam. Your feelings reveal your fear and doubt. But that fear should not cause you to make a bad decision like skipping the exam or not studying. Instead, look at the facts! You've passed other tests before right? You can get help if it's needed right? Take those facts, and make a good decision to study for the test or seek tutoring.

See? It's that easy!

Don't continue to choose your feelings over facts. Instead, begin to identify and declare all the facts in your life. I'm not saying it's not okay to feel what you feel some days because it is. What I'm saying is don't let your feelings control you. The worse thing you can ever do is make permanent decisions based off of temporary feelings!

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