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Sometimes rejection is for our protection!

Rejection sucks right? It is the absolute WORSE. No one likes to feel rejected. In fact, there are a lot of people that avoid relationships and deep connections with people due to the fear of rejection. I remember when I used to think that surely there's no way that rejection can be seen as something helpful. However, I was so wrong. Going back to the good ole scripture Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." [NIV] With that being said, God can even use rejection for your good. What I have found out is that usually when we experience is for our own good. God is using the rejection to PROTECT us!

Think about Jesus? Jesus was rejected by so many people, guys. Even the men that were being crucified with Jesus ridiculed him. Now that's real messed up you know? I probably would've look at the people beside me like "how ya'll talking about me and ya'll about to die too? If you read Mark 14-16 which explains in depth the rejection of Jesus, it's pretty heart breaking. And while he still ended up being crucified and dying, we see that Jesus was risen from the dead. And most of all, because Jesus was obedient and allowed God's will to be done, his rejection was used to protect all of mankind.


Let's look at a more realistic example: say that you really like this person, and you think that it's really gonna turn into something. But then the person rejects you. And you internalize the rejection. You feel that there is something wrong with you because of that. Or let's say that you prayed and prayed for this one job, but you don't get it. They reject you. These scenarios seem more relatable because it happens all the time. We get to the point where we get rejected and it becomes so hard to believe that it was for our good. But what if God told you that the reason he allowed that person to reject you was because they have a secret addiction that they haven't healed from and if you would've committed to that person, it would've taken you down an unhealthy path? Or what if he told you the reason that he allowed that job to reject you was because he has a much better job waiting for you? You wouldn't take the rejection so hard then right? You'd actually be relieved!

Proverbs 19:21 states that "You can make many plans, but the Lord's purpose will prevail". [NLT] A lot of times we're getting rejected because of the fact that we're doing what we THINK we should do. The whole time, God is trying to stop us from messing up our lives. And I know what some of you are thinking; "why can't God just stop us another way?? Rejection HURTS!". Yes, rejection does hurt. But at the same time, think about it; sometimes it takes rejection for you to actually turn away from something. It takes rejection for you to realize later that there's a reason it didn't work out. So yes, rejection does suck. But at the end of the day, God wants to protect us as much as possible. So I encourage you to start embracing rejection! Instead of looking at it as something that's horrible, try to look at it as God protecting you. Remember that he loves you that much!

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