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Settling cancels your never settle!

Settling is a lot more common than we think. If we can all be honest with ourselves, at some point or another, we have SETTLED.

What is settling, you ask? Let me break it down real quick:

Settling is when you agree to or accept something that you genuinely do not (or did not) want initially. You settle for a job, a house, and you can definitely settle in relationships. Most of the time when we settle, we are doing it out of convenience or desperation. OUCH.

That's right! When you took that job that was offered to you, even though you KNOW you wanted the other one you been praying about but haven't heard from yet, you settled out of convenience (cause bills gotta get paid, right??). And when you chose to date that person who you know wasn't the best option for you cause of the red flags you noticed, but you did it anyways cause you were bored or tired of feeling lonely, you settled out of desperation.

Now do you understand settling? Can you figure out where you may have settled in your life, whether it was in the past or the present?

Yep...we are all guilty of doing this!

The problem with settling is that we are literally choosing something not because we want it but because it's available. It's easy to accept something when it's right there in front of you. That clearly means it's good for you, right? WRONG.

Proverbs 16:25 states that "There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death". Don't get scared, it's not saying you'll die. What it is saying is that when you settle and choose the wrong path, you kill all the great things that are meant for you to have! This is how settling kills success. By choosing something just because it seems like the best option, you miss out on what is actually best for you. That sounds so bad!

There's an easy way to prevent yourself from settling; choose to accept God's best for you!

At the end of the day, God has great plans for us! It says this in Jeremiah 29:11. So the best way to stop yourself from settling is to remember that the plan he has is far greater than what may be in front of you. I used to feel so dumb when I would pass up certain opportunities (like jobs, dating, internship offers, etc) because I was waiting for God's best. It was a challenge! Especially because society makes us feel like everything has to be rushed. But I have proof in my life that waiting and not settling truly pays off. Now when I look back, I am so glad I did not settle for certain things, cause I would have been cancelling all the success I have now.

Keep in mind:

  • God's best doesn't always look the way we expect! I could talk all day about this. We think that his best for us will look one way, but it actually looks completely different. Nonetheless, it will still be the best thing that has ever happened to you. So trust God; he knows what's best for you!

  • Refusing to settle is NOT EASY. Matter of fact, it will probably be an uncomfortable process for you. But growth only comes when you step out of your comfort zone, right?

Do you know what God's best for you is? If you don't, it's a great time to find out. Get in God's presence today and find out what his best is for your life. When you are faced with options today or tomorrow, PLEASE DON'T SETTLE! You deserve the best in life, and nothing less!

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