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It's not the right time; follow God's timeline!

Timing is everything! And that's a true statement: if you sit back and really think about it, there's a time for everything. Like there's a specific day of every year when we have Thanksgiving. There's a specific time frame where people should complete tax returns. The world revolves around time. And while some of us may feel like time is ticking away every minute (cause it IS!), we still have to keep in mind that everything happens at a specific time.

I began thinking about my own life. If you guys are like me, I often write all of my goals and prayer requests on paper and speak them into existence when I pray. I do this because I have faith that God will answer my prayers according to His will! Well the other day, I was looking at my list and noticed that there are still some goals and prayers that haven't manifested yet. I started to feel a little disappointed. I mean, 2020 is almost over! I thought to myself surely I would have had certain things accomplished by now. So I started asking God why hadn't specific things happened for me yet? Was I doing something wrong? Then I heard the Holy Spirit tell me exactly what I needed to hear: you're not ready for it yet.

Listen, I know we think that we know best. We think that we know exactly what we need, when we need it and how we need it. But the truth is party people...we don't nothing at all! And one thing I love about God is that he loves us so much, that he would never give us more than we can handle. We all love to have say that God will not put more us than we can bear, but then we insist on putting more on ourselves, then wondering why we keep falling short. It's because there are certain things you are not ready for. When you are ready to receive certain blessings and promotions, God will do what he needs to do at that time. Until then, you have to be patient and faithful to God! Isaiah 60:22 states that "At the right time, I, the Lord will make it happen." [NLT] Now do we know the time? Nope! But that's where trusting God comes in.

Think about it. Some of us want a lot of things! Scholarships. More money. A new job. A new car. We want all these things and we ask God for them or work towards getting them. But ask yourself this: if God gave you what you've been wanting right now, would you do right with it? If he blessed you with more money, would you tithe and spend it responsibly or would you blow it on material things? Would you work hard at a new job, or would you quit as soon as things don't go your way? Would you honor God with that new relationship you want or would you ruin it and hurt someone? You see, God is a real smart dude. He knows that there are certain things we can't handle yet, so instead of giving it to us right then, he waits until the time is right. Luke 16:10 “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much". [NIV] So it's important to remember that:

1. You have to show God that you are thankful and responsible with what you have now before he gives you increase.

2. You have to find contentment with where you are right now. Are you happy with where he has you? If not, it may be time to check your heart.

3. Remember, YOUR MOTIVES MATTER! God is not going to elevate you if it's for the wrong reasons. He will keep you right where you are until you change your heart. Sorry not sorry!

I know that it may be hard to hear that you aren't quite ready for something that you are wanting, but just remember that God's delay does not mean denial! He's waiting for the right time. Until then, hang in there and trust God's timeline! He's got you!

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