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Everyone deserves grace...including YOU!

So I started a new job two weeks ago (woohoo!) and one day this week, I spent time with one of the new hires at our specific job campus. Our conversation started when she asked me about the counseling program I'm in, and how do I manage school/work/ personal life so well. I just begin to be as transparent and honest as possible. I told her about my prioritizing, and the different things I have had to juggle while going to school and working since 2014. In the middle of our conversation she asks "How old are you?" and when I told her, she replied "Omg, you have done SO much to be so young! It's intimidating & impressive! I'm 21 and haven't even accomplished much." I went on to tell her how she HAS accomplished a lot, since she's graduated with a bachelor's and is happily married.

That's when I realized two things:

  1. We tend to look at ourselves with so much more criticism and judgement than others do. Seriously! In this situation, we both are accomplished young women, but in a different way. To me, I feel she's more accomplished than me because she has a husband at 21, and meanwhile I have struggled to find a nice godly guy who is worth dating. To her, she feels I'm more accomplished because I'm young and have had so many awards, positions, and opportunities. We were really our OWN worse critic.

  2. Because we are so hard on ourselves, we don't give ourselves something that we really need...and that is GRACE.

Now what is grace? Grace is one the many gifts that God has given us that we often take for granted or overlook. It can be defined as 'the free and unmerited favor and mercy of God'. God gives us grace when we've messed up and ask him for forgiveness. He gives grace when he sees that we need it. Numbers 6:25 states "May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you" [NLT]. Titus 3:7 says "Because of his grace he made us right in his sight and gave us confidence that we will inherit eternal life". [NLT] So think of grace as a pat on the back. When God gives us grace, it's as if he's saying 'hey, it's okay! I still love you". He continues to bless us and have our backs despite the fact that we fall short sometimes. He understands that we are not perfect, and will never be perfect.

The truth is that everyone deserves grace! Because no one is perfect. We all mess up, so why be hard on someone? It's our job (especially if you're a Christian) to extend grace to people. In the same sense, it's our job to extend grace to ourselves too! We can't be hard on ourselves. We have to learn how to pat ourselves on the back because God loves us no matter what, so we need to truly love ourselves too.

What are some ways that you can start giving yourself grace? Here's a few!

  1. Give yourself props! - Listen, sometimes you need to celebrate yourself! Me and my coworker's conversation is a perfect example of how we tend to discredit our own achievements. I've always struggled with down playing my accomplishments. But please don't do that. Be proud of your accomplish, especially if it took a lot of time and effort to achieve it. I'm not saying boast about it, but I am saying start telling yourself "I'm so proud of you" cause you need to hear that.

  2. Remember you are not meant to be perfect - We. Are. HUMAN!!! You know what that means? It means that no one is meant to be perfect. We were literally born into sin. If we could be perfect, then that means there was no need for God sending his son Jesus to die for us. So cut yourself some slack! Embrace your imperfections, and remind yourself that no one has it altogether.

  3. Receive God's love - God loves us no matter what we do. How amazing is that? When we turn our hearts to him, he gives us all the grace we need to move forward. Maybe you haven't received God's love. If you haven't, make that a priority. The moment you begin to receive his love and grace is the moment you learn to start giving it to others and yourself as well.

I know it's difficult to not be hard on yourself...especially when you feel like you aren't where you want or need to be. But please believe me when I say that you DO deserve grace. God has already given grace to you, so today start giving it to yourself as well!

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21 feb 2023

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