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Don't ruin God-made friendships; cherish them!

Friendships are SO important! We need them to not only survive, but also to thrive in this life. God understands how our human hearts work, so he knows that we need friendships and relationships to be healthy and successful. That's why Ecclesiastes 4:9 says "Two people are better than one, for they can help each other succeed". [NLT] But we have to be careful when it comes to choosing friends AND keeping friends.

This pandemic has not been easy on anyone I'm sure. My mom is a perfect example. She tested positive for COVID-19, and was able to beat it, but of course needed time to recover from it. Of course, we her family were there for her every step of the way. But one thing that really brought joy to my heart was how my mom's best friend helped and stepped up! She checked on my mom every day, made sure that things were in order and taken care of while she recovers; she even went to the grocery store and bought my mom everything she needed. My mom didn't even ask! They have been friends since I was a child. I look at them and think to myself "God this is the type of friendship that I want in life". You see, God uses friendships to bless us.

God loves friendships! In fact, in Proverbs 17:17 says "A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need". [NLT]. Let's be honest, there may be some friends who are in your life for all the WRONG reasons. But please believe that when God places friends in your life, he knows what he's doing! He sends us people who will add to our lives and not take from it.

I'm sure you're asking what I have asked God so many times in the past few months about friendships in your life: how do I know if it's a God-made friendship? Well, here are ways to identify if your friendship is God-made or man-made.

  1. Friends from God are LOYAL. That's enough said! What I love about real friendship is that it does not matter if you two are upset with each other, or far away from one another, you still have each other's back! A friend sent by God is going to be loyal to you no matter the circumstances.

  2. Friends from God bring you closer to God. This is one that usually trips people up. Please be aware that if you are a Christian (and take your walk with God serious) ALL your relationships should glorify him. I'm not saying befriend a bunch of preachers. What I'm saying is that your friendships should help or encourage your walk with God. The God sent friends will encourage you to pray or go to church. They'll push you more to him, not away from him.

I can go on all day about the quality traits of a good friend. But you get the point. God sent friends bring more positives than negatives to your life. That's why Now does that mean that your friendships will be perfect. NO! Remember that we are all human, meaning that we will all have flaws. But just like in romantic relationships, conflict is good in friendships because it means that there is honest and open communication between you both. I know sometimes our friends can really upset and even disappoint us, but that does not mean we throw them away. It means we operate in the love and grace that God has given us so that we can forgive and reconcile with one another.

Go back to the example of my mom and her best friend. What if they would have let petty arguments and disagreements ruin their friendship? They wouldn't have each other's support which would make a difference in their lives I'm sure. I'm glad that they do not allow their emotions ruin their God-made friendship. I try my best to do the same! Even when I become disappointed or angry with my friends, I quickly remember how blessed I am to have them in my life.

A true God-made friendship is not something you want to lose. So pray about your friendships. If it's God-sent, then pray for your friendship! Call or text your friends more, try to make (safe) plans to meet and hang out. When they upset you, talk things out, forgive and reconcile. This only makes the bond stronger! If the friendship is not for you, then simply release that person and pray for them too! In times like this, our mental and spiritual health is so important. So make sure that you are treating right the people who are building you up!

Don't ruin God-made friendships; cherish them!

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